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Sunday 28th May 2023

Updated: Apr 10

Recent Results

Tuesday 22 May

Golf Warehouse Drawn Pairs Best Stableford.

First: Rae Karatea & Greg James. Second: Pat Tyler & Gary Burgess. Third: Norm Rackham & Lance Swinerd. Fourth: Geoff Franks & Len Osbourne & Fifth: Garry Edwards & Mary Weallans. Best Nett: Rae Karatea. Closest to the pin: Pat Tyler.

Saturday 27 May

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Black Jacket Round Two.

Senior Men: Glenn Burgess 36, Grant Forbes 35. Junior Men: Neville Skelton 37, Norm Rackman 34. Closest to the Pin. Senior Men: Garry Edwards. Junior Men: Neville Skelton.

Taimui Challenge: Garry Edwards and Pat Tyler beat Grant Forbes and Glen Carter. Richard Porter and Lance Swinerd are the new challenges.

Coming events: Tuesday golf 10.00 am tee off. Saturday Club Day, 11.00 tee off Kings Birthday Club Day.

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