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Hawkestone Golf Club

Recent Results

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Aaron Goldsack Plumbing Medal and Putt. White, Front Nine.


Nine Holer: Geoff Franks 36, GREG James 38, Dave Wright 38.  Putts: Greg James 15.


Eighteen Holers: Norm Rackham 35, Dave Todd 37, Lance Swinerd 39 & Garry Edwards 39. 

Putts: Patrick Hectors 13.


Nearest the pin: Gary Burgess.


Lion Challenge won by Micki Neumann.  Next challenger is Jim Sheild.


Saturday 27 April 2024


Aaron Goldsack Plumbing Battle of the Bridge.


The Battle of the Bridge was won by the Rangitikei.

The individual honours were won by Dave Todd & Matt Carroll.


Seniors: Matt Carroll 39, Phil Scott 37 & Garry Edawrds 35.


Juniors: Dave Todd 39, Pat Hectors 38 & Tony Paraku 33.


No Twos today.


The Taimui Challenge was won by Dave Todd and Grant Forbes.


Coming events: Tuesday Nine Hole golf 10.00 am tee off.  Saturday, 11.00 tee off. Enquiries:  Visitors are welcome.






Hawkestone Golf Club

Recent Results

Tuesday 16 April 2024

Feilding Engineering Nine Holes. Three Blind Mice.


Nine Holer: Allan Robinson 13, Mary Wealleans 11, Greg James 10 & Jim Sheilds 10.


Eighteen Holers: Garry Edwards 14, Norm Rackham 13 & Dave Todd 12.


Nearest the pin: Dave Todd.


Lion Challenge won by Jim Sheilds.  Next challengers Rae Karatea & Micki Nuemann.



Saturday 20 April 2014


Feilding Engineering Gracie Cup.  Round Three.  Medal.

The 2024 Gracie Cup was won by Patrick Hectors.  Congratulations.

Seniors: Glenn Burgess 71, Graham Bond 71, Matt Carroll 72.

Juniors: Norm Rackham 70, Clinton Williamson 73, Jess Waterhouse 76.

Twos:  #5 Graham Bond, #7 Glenn Burgess, #14 Graham Bond, #14 Matt Carroll, #14 Garry Edwards, #16 Matt Carroll, #16 Glen Carter.

The Taimui Challenge was won by Matt Carroll & Norm Rackham.  Next Challengers are Dave Todd and Grant Forbes.

Coming events: Tuesday Nine Hole golf 10.00 am tee off.  Saturday, 11.00 tee off. Enquiries:  Visitors are welcome.






Hawkestone Golf Club

Recent Results

Tuesday 09 April 2024

Kelly's Footwear Bisque Par.  Front Nine, Yellow tees.


9 Holers: Len Osbourne +5, Gary Burgess +4, Dave Wright +3, Grag James +3, Kae Karatea +2.


18 Holers: Mike Pickford +3, Garry Edwards +2 & Grant Fobes +2.


Nearest the Pin: Pat Tyler.


Twos: Garry Edwards #7 & Dave Wright #2.


Lion Challenge: Dave Wright beat Norm Rackham.


Saturday 13 April 2014


Kelly's Footwear Black Jacket.  Round One.


One Division:  Lani Tipu 38, Graham Bond 36, Rex McDermott 36 & Matt Carroll 35.


No Twos today.


The Taimui Challenge was won by Garry Edwards and Graham Bond.  The next challengers are Norm Rackham and Matt Carroll.


Coming events: Tuesday Nine Hole golf 10.00 am tee off.  Saturday, 11.00 tee off. Enquiries:  Visitors are welcome.






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