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Recent Results

Tuesday 16 May

Essence Café and Bar Best Net and putts.

Nine-hole players: Rae Karatea 34, Micki Nuemann 36 & Greg James 37. Putts Greg James 14. Eighteen-hole players: Pat Tyler 31, Jack Cripps 32 & Lance Swinerd 34. Putts: Mike Pickford. Lion Challenge: Won by Rae Karatea. Next challenger is Micki Nuemann. Nearest the pin: Dave Todd. Twos: Lance Swinerd #16 & Jack Cripps #14

Saturday 20 May

Matton New World Presidents Trophy Round Three.

Senior Men: Rob Anderson +3, David Worsfold +1 & Roy Brider +1. Junior Men: Michael Pickford -1 & Pat Tyler -2. Closest to the Pin. Senior Men: Garry Edwards. Junior Men: Michael Pickford. Taimui Challenge: Glen Carter and Grant Forbes won. Next challengers are Garry Edwards & Pat Tyler

Coming events: Tuesday golf 10.00 am tee off. Saturday Club Day, 11.00 tee off Black Jacket Round Two. Enquiries: Visitors are welcome.

Updated: Apr 10

Recent Results

Tuesday 09 May

The Taxhelper Bisque Par.

Nine-hole players: Rae Karatea +2, Micki Nuemann +2 & Mary Wealleans +2. Eighteen-hole players: Pat Tyler +2, Grant Forbes +1 & Lance Swinerd square. Lion Challenge: Won by Rae Karatea. Next challenger is Grant Forbes. Nearest the pin: Norm Rackham.

Saturday 06 May

Central ITM Club Day Stableford.

Senior Men: Grant Forbes 34 (by lot), Glenn Burgess 34 & Rob Anderson 33. Junior Men: Jack Cripps 37, Richard Porter 34 & Pat Tyler 34. Women: Jess Waterhouse 35 & Suzanne Wells 30. Nine holers: Pat Greg James 17, Rae Karatea 15 & Dave Wright, Micki Nuemann & Gary Burgess 14. Twos: Glenn Burgess #5, Rex McDermott & Matt Carroll #14. Closest to the Pin. Senior Men: No one. Junior Men: Pat Hectors. Taimui Challenge: Glen Carter and Grant Forbes won. Next challengers are Phil Scott & Dion Hawkins.

Coming events: Tuesday golf 10.00 am tee off. Saturday Club Day, 11.00 tee off Presidents Trophy Rd 3 Mixed-Bogey. Enquiries: Visitors are welcome.

Tuesday 02 May

Turners Gifts & Luggage Bogey. Nine-hole players: Rae Karatea +2, Dave Wright square & Mary Wealleans. Eighteen-hole players: Jess Waterhouse, square, Grant Forbes -1 & Pat Tyler -2. Lion Challenge: Won by Rae Karatea. Next challenger is Dave Wright. Nearest the pin: Lance Swinerd.

Saturday 06 May

We Reuse I.T. Ltd Glad Beaman Pairs, Third Round. Senior Men: Matt Carroll 69, Phil Scott 71 & Roy Brider 72. Junior Men: Jack Cripps 71, Richard Porter 75 & Pat Hectors 78. Nine holers: Pat Tyler 20, Micki Neumann 15 & Rae Karatea 13. Twos: Phil Scott #2, Mike Fagan & Rex McDermott #7 & Matt Carroll #14. Closest to the Pin. Senior Men: Rex McDermott. Junior Men: Jack Cripps. Taimui Challenge: Glen Carter and Grant Forbes beat Richard Porter.

Coming events:

Tuesday golf 10.00 am tee off & Saturday 11.00am. Enquiries: Visitors are welcome.

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