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Hawkestone Golf Club

Recent Results

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Feilding Engineering Stableford.


Nine Holers: Pat Tyler 17, Greg James 15 & Rae Karatea 14.


Eighteen Holers:  Dave Todd 19, Norm Rackham 18 & Garry Edwards 18.


Nearest the pin: Rae Karatea.


Lion Challenge won by Greg James.  Next challenger is Dave Todd. 


Saturday 29 June 2024


Feilding Engineering Bogey


One Division today: Glenn Cunningham +2, Tony Paraku square, Jess Waterhouse square & Norm Rackham square.


Two’s: Rex McDermott #7, Graham Bond #11, Matt Booth #11 & Glenn Cunningham #14.


Taimui Challenge: Garry Edwards and Norm Rackham won.  Next Challengers are Matt Carroll & Graham Bond.


Nine Holers: Micki Neumenn 21, Pat Tyler 16 & Rae Karatea 14.


Coming events: Tuesday Nine Hole golf 10.00 am tee off.  Saturday, 11.00 tee off. Enquiries:  Visitors are welcome.






Hawkestone Golf Club

Recent Results

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Hogan Plumbing Medal and Puts.


Nine Holers: Jim Sheilds 32, Micki Neumann 36, Greg James 38.  Puts:  Alan Robinson 14.


Eighteen Holers:  Jess Waterhouse 37, Grant Forbes 38.  Puts: Grant Forbes 15.


Nearest the pin: Grant Forbes.


Lion Challenge won by Joy Stantiall.  Next challenger is Jan Van Loo. 


Saturday 22 June 2024


Hogans Plumbing Club Day.  Stableford.


Seniors: Mark Spackman 37, Matt Carroll 37 & Garry Edwards 36.


Juniors: Dave Todd 36, Grant Forbes 32 & Jess Waterhouse 31.


Two’s: Glen Carter #11, Jack Cripps #11, Graham Bond #16 & Mark Spackman #16.


Taimui Challenge: Garry Edwards and Norm Rackham won.  Next Challengers are Jess Waterhouse & Glenn Burgess.


Nine Holers: Pat Tyler 17, Dave Wright 16, Rae Karatea 14 & Gary Burgess 13.


Coming events: Tuesday Nine Hole golf 10.00 am tee off.  Saturday, 11.00 tee off. Enquiries:  Visitors are welcome.






Hawkestone Golf Club

Recent Results

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Marton New World Bisque Par.


Nine Holers: Joy Stantiall +3, Rae Karatea +3 & Jim Sheild +3.


Eighteen Holers:  Grant Forbes +1, Garry Edwards -3 & Dave Todd -3.


Nearest the pin: Greg James.


Lion Challenge won by Greg James. 


Saturday 15 June 2024


Marton New World Bogey.  One Division today.


Grant Forbes -1, Glenn Cunningham -1, Phil Scott -3, Marcel Carroll -4, Matt Carroll -4.


Two’s: Phil Scott #14.


Taimui Challenge: Grant Forbes and Glen Carter retained the Taimui.  Next Challengers are Garry Edwards and Norm Rackham.


Nine Holers: Greg James 17, Micki Neumann 17, Dave Wright 13 & Rae Karatea 12.


Coming events: Tuesday Nine Hole golf 10.00 am tee off.  Saturday, 11.00 tee off. Enquiries:  Visitors are welcome.






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