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Updated: Oct 24, 2023

Hawkestone Golf Club

Recent Results

Tuesday 10 October

Essence Cafe Bisque Par.

9 holers: Micki Neumann +5, Rae Karatea +3 & Dave wright +3. 18 holers: Norm Rackman +2, Pat Tyler +2 & Mike Pickford +1. Closest to the Hole: Pat Tyler.

Lion Challenge won by Dave Todd.

Sunday 15 October

Club Day. Stableford.

Men: Phil Scott 40, Lance Swinerd 35, Glen Carter 34 & Rob Anderson 34. Women: Suzanne Wells 40, Jess Waterhouse 30 & Madi Bell 29. Twos: Phil Scott #5.

Club Championship Finals

Women: Suzanne Wells

Onepuhi Cup: Jack Cripps

The Onepuhi Cup is awarded to the male golfer with the best net (2 out of 3 rounds) in club Champ qualifying rounds. The trophy was first engraved in 1956. It has been awarded every year since then, except for 1975, 1976 & 2012. Since 2000 it has been won by 19 different golfers. Only two men have won the trophy twice (since 2000). G. James (2007 & 2013) and C. Hausman (2014 & 2015).

Senior Men: Hamish McDonald

This cup was donated by W. Kaye. It had a winner engraved on it in 1955. It has been awarded continuously since then. This is the 69th year it has been awarded. Since 2000 Neville Abbott won it three times, Mike Taiuru five times and Hamish McDonald eleven times.

Intermediate Men: Mike Fagan

This cup was donated by L. Smith & K. Whitford. It was first engraved with a winner in 1956. It has been awarded continuously except for 1963. This is the 65th year it has been awarded. Since 2000 M. Jefferies won it six times, Dave Nicholls five times and Dave Worsfold four times.

Junior A Men: Jamie Hill

This cup was donated by G. Cornord & B. Whitehead. It was first engraved with a winner in 1953 And has been awarded continuously since then. This is the 70th year it has been awarded. Since 2000 it has gone to a different golfer each year, except for 2004 & 2005 when Joe Stella won it both years, as did Graham Bond in 2016 & 2017.

Coming events: Tuesday golf 10.00 am tee off. Saturday club day, 11.00 tee off. Visitors are welcome.

Hawkestone Golf Club

Recent Results

Tuesday 03 October

Golf Warehouse Bogey.

9 holers: Jim Shield +1 & Allan Roberson square.

18 holers: Garry Edwards +2, Lance Swinerd square.

Closest to the Hole: Rae Karatea

Saturday 07 October

Gruesome Twosome Tournament.

Thanks to our great sponsors. They were: Aaron Goldsack Plumbing, ANZCO, Turners, Feilding Golf Shop, Kelly’s footwear, Murray’s Irish Public House & Toyota. Please support them when you can.

Winners (by lot): Mike Fagan & Dion Hawkins 79. Second: Glenn Burgess & Mike Taiuru. Third: Rob Anderson & Kopere Downs.

Closest to the Pin: On no.12, Matt Carroll. On no. 18, Joe & Milky.

Raffle winners were: Joe Stella, Steve Scott & T. Archibold.

Coming events: Tuesday golf 10.00 am tee off. Sunday 15 October, Club Championship Finals, 11.00 tee off. Enquiries: Visitors are welcome.

Hawkestone Golf Club

Recent Results

Tuesday 26 September

MJ & TM Pickford Ltd Medal and Putts.

9 holers: Greg Jame 17 & Mary Wealleans 17. 18 holers: Dave Todd 17 & Grant Forbes 17. Closest to the Hole: Pat Tyler.

Saturday 23 September

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Club Day Bogey.

One division today. 18 Holes: Mark Spackman 36, Paul Weeks 36 & Lance Swinerd 35. Twos: Mike Pickford #16. Taimui Challenge: Retained by Jess Waterhouse and Glenn Burgess. Next Challengers: Dave Todd & Roy Brider.

Coming events: Tuesday golf 10.00 am tee off. Saturday Gruesome Twosome, 11.00 tee off. Enquiries: Visitors are welcome.

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